Divadlo Bratří Formanů


We cordially invite you to New Visions’ annual playwriting festival! This year, we are expanding the playwriting festival over the course of 3 months. We kickoff with a special double feature at the theatre located on Lod’ Tajemství. More information about the festival and the artists involved can be found here.

Entrance fee: 350 Kč
Start time: 19h
2 short plays, ~45 minutes each. One intermission between the two plays.

*Plays take place in English Language
**Mature language


Living or Leaving
Three family life pictures, each one 5 years apart from the other. Two male characters with no women, a father and son. First picture is taken right after Granddad’s funeral. Then we skip in the middle of the father’s fight against a degenerative illness. Finally, at Father’s deathbed.

September Letters
War rages on in the background. In a war prison camp, a prisoner private is suffering the whipping post, a prisoner lieutenant strives to keep things in balance. A camp sergeant enjoys inflicting pain, the camp commander waits to get the fruits of his hard work. Suddenly a peace treaty between their armies breaks out and forces these four characters to deal with a change in the reality they called home till that very morning.