Divadlo Bratří Formanů

Sakra Buraja / Koncert

Sakra Buraja / Český release je tady …

Slepý šumař Sakra Buraja přiváží hudbu kterou nakradl na svých cestách. Tento neotesanec hraje jen jednou rukou a druhou chytá ty nejlepší talenty, kteří mu přijdou do cesty a ty si zotročuje k obrazu svému. Až ho uvidíte, budete ho chtít nenávidět. Jakmile však začne hrát, okamžitě se zamilujete. Jeho bohužel neodolatelná hudba vás okamžitě vtáhne a už vás nepustí. Dříve než si to vůbec uvědomíte už s ním budete někde v prachu cesty obklopeni tou divnou směsicí (ne)dokonalého zvuku, energie, osobitého humoru a lásky, budete tancovat a snažit se stopovat auta na další jízdu.

Sakra Buraja – tenor sax
Josias Liashw – double-bass
Dozr – beatbox
Jan Mikušek – cimbál
+ hosté

Inspired by extensive touring, “Midnight Recordings” is the band’s debut release on New York based Hero Water Records. Features the extraordinary Josias Liashw from Rio de Janeiro on double-bass, Leo Mucuri on percussions, Prague’s beatbox prodigy Dozr, Italian-American Nicola Capellini on guitar; and Vladimír Cháb on tenor sax. Band’s sound morphs from track to track, latin influence fusing with Eastern Europe. The album was mastered at Jicämä Sound in Barcelona, in August 2013.

A collaboration between Sakra Buraja and the English electonica producer Anthony Johns. It fuses the unique acustic sound of the band with Anthony’s particular electronic take on Sakra’s songs. Produced in Spring 2012 in London, UK.

FUGA (2012)
Follow up to Tábor Session, “Fuga” was recorded live over 3 days in Venice (Italy) in legendary bassist Luigi Parise’s performance space, RedApe Quasar Lab, in a rare testimony to the genius loci of the space, that was demolished three days after this last recording. It captures the rawness and spontaneity of a precious encounter of the traditionalist Venetian accordeonist and singer Veronica Canale with Vladimír Cháb, while maestro Parise occasionally steps in.

Sakra Buraja’s studio debut proposes a minimalist, yet wide open sound and fresh musical energy. Featuring Vladimír Cháb on saxofone and the exceptional Colombian contrabassist Aldo Zolev, it is an expedition into new faraway landscapes of grooves and textures, a diary from a voyage yet to be made. Recorded in a small South Bohemian town of Tábor in August 2011, in an oldschool straight forward single-session manner.

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